Applications for Spring 2025 are now open!
Accounting Society is open to all majors. To become a member, it is $60 for one semester or for alumni (**NOTE: For alumni membership, we reserve the right to verify your graduation status via university transcripts. Alumni must have graduation dates within a year. Only Fall '24 and Spring '24 graduates may apply)
1. Fill out our applications here.
2. Pay for membership online here using the same email that was used on your application. There will be a processing fee that will also be added to the cost of membership. (For alumni, be sure to select alumni fee).
3. If you have any questions, feel free to stop by our table at the College of Business and Economics Courtyard or join our virtual Zoom tabling! Click here for virtual tabling through zoom.
Tabling Hours
Week 1 - 4: Monday to Thursday
January 21st to February 13th
From 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
4. Paid members will receive a bag of goodies.
If you have any questions -- please feel free to email us!
How to Get Involved in Accounting Society
The first step is to become an Accounting Society member. If you would like to further your involvement, you can then apply for a board position near the end of each semester. Every semester, each board position becomes available for a new applicant. With over 30+ positions in Accounting Society, there are many chances for you to get involved.
To become an executive board member, you must have experience with board involvement in the past. Please refer to the AS Bylaws for more information on qualifications for specific executive positions.
Join the Big & Little mentoring program, AS Families or sign up for Peer-to-Peer events to meet board members and learn more about getting involved!